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Nothing inspires environmentalism quite like a smog-filled sky or a contaminated river, according to a new study that also indicates that environmentalism isn't just for the prosperous.
People living in China's cities who say they've been exposed to environmental harm are more likely to begreen: re-using their plastic grocery bags or recycling. Moreover, the study, published this week in the international journal AMBIO, indicates that the poor would sacrifice economic gain to protect their environment.
"The human and natural worlds are tightly coupled and we cannot protect the environment without empirical studies on how rich and poor people are understanding and reacting to the natural world around them." said Jianguo "Jack" Liu, a co-author of the AMBIO paper and director of the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability (CSIS) at Michigan State University.
The paper, "How Perceived Exposure to Environmental Harm Influences Environmental Behavior in Urban China," flies in the face of the conventional wisdom that the poor cannot afford to protect the environment.
"We feel it's a major contribution to provide empirical evidence that environmental harm is one of the most important predictors of environmental behavior," said Xiaodong Chen, who conducted the study while working on his doctorate at CSIS.
"Environmental harm could be more important than economic status in predicting environmental behavior. If people are affected by degraded environmental conditions, then even people with low economic status still may sacrifice some economic benefit in order to protect the environment."
Indeed, the growing environmental consciousness in China has been accompanied by increased involvement by the public in environmental protection. For instance, the paper notes that in 2005 there were some 1,000 protests per week related to environmental pollution in China, a number projected to increase rapidly.
Scientists have studied environmental attitudes for years, but the paper notes that it's behavior that ultimately counts. There is a growing body of literature on environmental attitudes and behavior in China, yet little is known about how people perceive and respond to personal exposure to environmental harm.
Chen and co-authors Liu; Nils Peterson of North Carolina State University and a CSIS alumnus; Vanessa Hull, doctoral candidate in CSIS; Chuntian Lu, MSU sociology doctoral student; and Dayong Hong of Renmin University in China used China's General Social Survey of 2003, which was the first nationwide survey to address this issue.
Some 5,000 urban respondents were asked specifically about their environmental behavior -- if they sorted their garbage to separate recyclables, re-used plastic bags, talked about environmental issues with family or friends, participated in environmental education programs, volunteered in environmental organizations or took part in environmental litigation.
The people taking the survey were allowed to define environmental harm for themselves.
The authors found that actions that resulted in direct results such as environmental litigation were the ones that people most likely turned to after being exposed to environmental harm. Other actions, such as trash recycling programs, may produce indirect results. However, people's views about the environment are most likely to inspire them to participate in environmental behaviors if those behaviors are ones that they can control, such as re-using plastic bags and talking about environmental issues.
"Basically, it means that if people are affected by environmental harm, they feel they should do something positive, and something they themselves can control," Chen said.
The findings, Chen said, can help instruct policy to transform recognition of environmental harm into environmental action.
Michigan State University:
Thanks to Michigan State University for this article.
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Austin Real Estate article courtesy of Sarah Drake who writes for Austin Business News - Local Austin News | Austin Business Journal. You can find the original post at Austin Business News - Local Austin News | Austin Business Journal.
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NEW YORK (AP) -- The latest iPhone looks much the same as the first iPhone, which came out more than five years ago. That hasn't been a problem for Apple - until, now.
The pace of iPhone sales has slowed, Apple revealed last week. Part of the problem is that the competition has found a formula that works: thinner phones with big screens that make the iPhone look small and chubby.
For a dose of smartphone envy, iPhone owners need to look no further than Samsung Electronics Co., the number-one maker of smartphones in the world. Its newest flagship phone, the Galaxy S III, is sleek and wafer-thin.
By comparison, the iPhone "is getting a bit long in the tooth," says Ramon Llamas, an analyst with research firm IDC.
Apple has become the world's most valuable company on the back of the iPhone, which makes up nearly half of its revenue. IPhone sales are still growing, but the question of how fast they're growing is of keen interest to investors. The iPhone certainly has room to grow: only one in six smartphones sold globally in the second quarter had an Apple logo on its back.
When Apple reported financial results for its latest quarter last week, a new phenomenon was revealed: Buyers started pulling back on iPhone purchases just six months after the launch of the latest iPhone model.
Apple executives blamed the tepid sales on "rumors and speculation" that may have caused some consumers to wait for the next iPhone, which is due in the fall. But in the past, iPhone sales have stayed strong nine months after the new model is launched, then dipped as people began holding off, waiting for the new model.
In the April to June period, Apple sold 26 million phones, 28 percent more than it did in the same quarter last year.
Most other phone makers "would kill" for those numbers, says Stephen Baker, an analyst with research firm NPD Group.
The exception is Samsung, which has solidified its position at the world's largest maker of smartphones. Analysts believe it made just over 50 million smartphones in the second quarter, or nearly twice as many as Apple. (The company doesn't release specific figures.) Its smartphone sales have nearly tripled in a year.
Most of Samsung's sales comprise cheaper smartphones that don't compete directly with the iPhone. Its flagship phones, though, have emerged as the iPhone's chief rivals.
Samsung and Apple have a complicated relationship. They're rivals in the smartphone and tablet-computer markets, and are set to square off in a high-profile trial over mobile patents in San Francisco this week. Samsung is one of Apple's largest suppliers of chips and displays, and Apple is one of Samsung's largest clients.
Though Apple is known as a relentless innovator, the iPhone's screen has been the same size - 3.5 inches on the diagonal - since the first iPhone came out. It was a big screen for the time, but among the competition, screen sizes have crept up.
Samsung has increased the screen size of its Galaxy series with every model since it debuted in 2010. The Galaxy S had a screen that measured 4 inches diagonally, and was followed by the S II, at 4.3 inches. The S III, the latest model, measures 4.8 inches. The screen is nearly twice as large as the iPhone's. Yet the Galaxy is thinner and lighter than an iPhone.
Samsung has also achieved surprising success with an even bigger phone, the Samsung Galaxy Note. Its 5.3-inch screen makes it somewhat awkward to hold to the ear, but customers don't seem to mind, or perhaps they value the large screen and included stylus more.
Aside from design, Apple is inflexible in another way: by releasing a new phone only one per year, it lets the competition create new phones with features the iPhone doesn't have and lets them go unchallenged, at least until the new iPhone comes out.
"Apple's schedule leaves the other ten or nine months of the year wide open for everybody else," says Llamas.
For instance, the newest Samsung phones can use the latest high-speed data networks in the U.S., and talk to payment terminals in stores, so they can act as smart "credit cards."
Samsung times its product launches to take maximum advantage of the lull in iPhone sales that usually precedes the launch of a new model. The S III went on sale in Europe in May and in the U.S. in June.
The rest of the competition is in disarray, and hasn't been able to capitalize in the same way on Apple's rigid release schedule and conservative design. Nokia Corp., until recently the world's largest phone maker, is in sharp retreat and is conducting a complete revamp of its smartphones. Research In Motion Ltd. is stuck with outdated software for its BlackBerrys at least until it launches a new operating system next year. HTC Corp. of Taiwan is suffering from marketing missteps in the last few years. LG Electronics, another Korean company, hasn't been able to keep up with Samsung when it comes to high-end phones, or with cheaper manufacturers on the low end.
Together, Samsung and Apple make half of the world's smartphones, and since competitors are losing money or breaking even, account for nearly all of the profits in the industry.
"Samsung is the only company that didn't really buckle under the weight of the iPhone 4S. Good, solid devices and good, solid marketing behind them," Llamas says.
Analysts now expect the new iPhone to arrive in September or October, probably with a slightly bigger screen. Sticking to one screen size has served Apple well, Baker says, but he sees the company moving with the times, as it's done many times before.
"When they have the reputation and the brand loyalty that they have, you don't have to be the first to market" with new features, Baker says. "You don't have to take that risk."
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ScienceDaily (July 30, 2012) ? University of British Columbia and Harvard researchers have provided visual evidence that atmospheric particles--which are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, especially above densely populated areas--separate into distinct chemical compositions during their life cycle.
The observations could have important implications for modelling global climate change and predicting air quality conditions. The tiny particles, which form part of an airborne chemical mix above cities, play a role in pollution by providing a surface for chemical reactions and in climate by reflecting and absorbing solar radiation and by acting as seed surfaces for water condensation and cloud formation.
"We've confirmed experimentally that changes in relative humidity can separate the organic and inorganic material in individual atmospheric particles into distinct liquid phases, much like oil separates from water," says UBC professor Allan Bertram, Director of the collaborative research and training program on atmospheric aerosols at UBC and a principal investigator on the paper.
"Having two liquid phases rather than one can change the rates of chemical reactions on particles, may change the amount of light the particles reflect and absorb, and impact their ability to act as seeds for clouds."
The findings--which used air samples from Atlanta, Georgia, the Harvard Environmental Chamber, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Environmental Chamber--are to published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences next week.
"I think of it as the beautiful phenomenon when I mixed food coloring, water and vegetable oil in a bottle when I was in grade school," says Harvard researcher Scot Martin, Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Chemistry at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
"More to the point, this phenomenon is really new thinking in the atmospheric sciences, and it completely changes the way we need to think through the reactive chemistry of atmospheric particles, a key component of urban air quality."
The air in most urban environments contains particles that are mixtures of organic molecules and chemicals like sulfates. When examined, samples from Atlanta revealed distinct liquid phases that were qualitatively similar to idealized particles generated in the laboratory. The liquid-liquid phase separation occurs naturally.
Particulate air pollution is a relatively new area of study, but one of growing concern to researchers, health officials and environmental groups. Increases in the concentration of aerosols are correlated with increased health issues, including cardiopulmonary disorders.
"We need to understand as much as possible about the chemical composition, physical properties and interactions of atmospheric particles if we're going to assess how they impact human health, regional weather patterns, and even global climate change," notes Bertram, with the Department of Chemistry.
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"Our goal is to help every person stay connected and every product they use be a great social experience," said Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO.?"That's why we're so focused on investing in our priorities of mobile, platform and social ads to help people have these experiences with their friends."
Here were the key highlights from the press release:
User Growth Highlights
Product Highlights
Corporate Highlights
Revenue ? Revenue for the second quarter totaled $1.18 billion, an increase of 32%, compared with $895 million in the second quarter of 2011.
Facebook reported a solid quarter. Wall Street had sky high expectations, and even though Facebook delivered on most user metrics, the traders were not pleased. Facebook stock dropped to its lowest level since IPO. This could present an attractive buying opportunity.
According to this article, "The company didn't blow the doors off of earnings, but it didn't miss Wall Street estimates."
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When Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. face off in a high-stakes patent trial Monday, there will be another elephant in the room: Google Inc.
Though the litigants are the two largest makers of smartphones, the closely watched case is also a proxy for a wider war between the two Silicon Valley companies vying to control their inner workings?Apple and Google.
Apple, which transformed the market with the 2007 debut of the iPhone, has launched a global attack on Samsung and other handset makers that use Google's Android software. The trial kicking off Monday in federal court in San Jose, ...
When Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. face off in a high-stakes patent trial Monday, there will be another elephant in the room: Google Inc.
Though the litigants are the two largest makers of smartphones, the closely watched case is also a proxy for a wider war between the two Silicon Valley companies vying to control their inner workings?Apple and Google.
Apple, which transformed the market with the 2007 debut of the iPhone, has launched a global attack on Samsung and other handset makers that use Google's Android software. The trial kicking off Monday in federal court in San Jose, ...
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LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Veteran actress Lupe Ontiveros (LOO-pay ahn-tee-VEHR-oos), best known for her role in the movie "Selena," has died.
Close friend Rick Najera says the actress who also appeared in dozens of films and TV shows over her 35-year-career died Thursday night of cancer. She was 69.
Najera said she was surrounded by family and friends, including actors Esai Morales and Edward James Olmos, when she died at a hospital in Whittier, Calif., a suburb southeast of Los Angeles
Ontiveros played Yolanda Saldivar in "Selena." Her other credits include "As Good As It Gets," ''Real Women Have Curves," ''The Goonies," and "Chuck & Buck."
The actress, born Guadalupe Moreno in Texas, once estimated she had played a maid more than 300 times.
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By Ian Moyse,, Eurocloud UK Board Member & Cloud Industry Forum Governance Board Member
Recent studies demonstrate that upwards of 25% of Internet bandwidth in an office are consumed by employees misusing the internet. According to Gartner, the average growth of business email volume is 30% annually, with the average size of the email content growing in parallel. Add to this the growth of Web misuse from streaming media, downloads, file sharing, social networking, and spam, and it becomes pretty clear that the mismanaged cost to business of non-work-related Internet use is already bad and getting worse.
With the Olympic tirade about to start there will be a mix of impacts on internet use and the security around it.? Users in the city are being told to work from home with some companies we hear being instructed by officialdom to reduce their staff in the city during the game on period!? These staff working remotely at home on work provided machines will spend how much time really working?? Will they be distracted by the usual lures of the web, facebook, Hotmail, youtube etc ? surely not!??
Worse still will be those employees across the UK still at their office location who will be viewing the Olympic activities and news online, streaming video and live TV will become commonplace. What impact will this have on not only the productivity of those guilty parties, but also those around them whose bandwidth is being sucked away from them!
There are plenty of examples already, including employees wasting more than two hours a day on recreational computer activities (according to a survey fielded by AOL & and that, according to an IDC report, ?30% ? 40% of Internet use in the workplace is unrelated to business.?
Studies and surveys such as these typically focus only on lost productivity ? and there?s no doubt that?s bad enough. But they rarely discuss the significant hidden financial impact of bandwidth wastage from these activities.
We have started to take bandwidth for granted as it?s become cheaper and more readily available. However, as the adoption of cloud-based solutions (like customer relations management tools) increases, it will be critical to ensure the user has a good experience with Web-based applications, with the speed of their ability to work unimpeded by bandwidth grabbers and slowdowns.
Social networkers are as much to blame as habitual gamers, sports fans, or file sharers: After ?posting messages,? the next two most common social network activities are uploading and downloading music and video content. Overall top bandwidth hogs reported include employees sending emails with large attachments, recreational Web surfing, listening to the radio over the Internet, music downloads, and streaming video over the Internet.
One rogue user in an office streaming large files can impact everyone else trying to work. Clearly, there?s a need to manage individual users? bandwidth usage.
Perhaps by taking simple steps, such as giving users bandwidth allowances, admins can control the abuse. By blocking streaming media, allowing users to go to sites but without the ability to see streamed videos, bandwidth usage can be reduced dramatically. It may also be possible to block the downloads of certain file types or MIME types, such as Flash Video .flv files, unless the user has a legitimate business reason to view them.? And blocking some MIME types can even help prevent users being bamboozled into infecting their own computers by malicious advertisements.
The web has increasingly become a valuable business tool for research, information (how often do you check a route, traffic, customer information with no second thought to the reliance on this medium) and for cloud applications that are fundamental to the business.
Action needs to be taken by organisations now to get control back of this valuable tool and medium and to reduce the negatives it can bring in terms of time wasting, HR cases (facebook examples are rife) and security risks. With a younger generation entering our businesses, for whom spending their life on facebook, twitter and the web is the norm, better to get these policies and policing tools in place now before it becomes even more of a risk and hill to climb to introduce this change of culture and behaviour.
Employees need to understand where the line is drawn, ?drive that internet car, but don?t speed, don?t drive dangerously and certainly don?t pick up strange hitch hikers along the way.? It?s essential our internet workers are not wasting valuable work time, acting recklessly or going off road using work assets on work systems!
An example solution to this is easy in using Software-as-a-Service Web filtering, offering unique advantages that can now be brought into play. For example, bandwidth compression of all traffic from the cloud to your users browsers, and even the ability to block Web adverts at the gateway, may conserve this bandwidth resource. Knowing and controlling where and what people can do on the web is no longer an option, its becoming a necessity.
Over time, simple measures such as these can conserve a large amount of bandwidth and regain productive employee work time.? An employee spending 10 minutes an hour outside smoking is visible and you can choose to address it. An employee wasting such time on internet activities is invisible and even to them that time passes fast and unnoticeably and the internet is of more interest to more people than an activity such as smoking. Think of this as the hidden disease in your company and start to prevent it now.
While we all appreciate the privilege of using the Internet for personal purposes at work, a small number of rotten apples on your network can truly ruin the whole bunch. The Olympics will drain your resources, productivity and bandwidth for sure! Draconian measures are sure to hurt morale, so it?s a bit of a balancing act to find the right mix of measures that work. As the growth of cloud applications and hosted services continues, it will be more important than ever to keep these bandwidth hogs in check, lest the rest of the company suffer.
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The socialist tradition in Britain is diverse and multi-layered. Its pattern of development differed markedly across the great industrial centres where it first put down roots. In this new book, Paul Salveson re-asserts the strength and distinctiveness of the socialism which emerged in the mills, mines and railway yards of the North of England. The core of his argument is that popular socialism today needs to reconnect with its local and regional roots, and relocate power to the regions and localities. Reviewed by?John Callaghan.
Socialism With A Northern Accent: Radical Traditions for Modern Times. Paul Salveson. Lawrence and Wishart. 2012
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Paul Salveson is a Labour Party and trade union activist, a visiting Professor at the University of Huddersfield, the originator of the community rail concept, holder of an MBE and one of the founders of the Hannah Mitchell Foundation think-tank. In Socialism With A Northern Accent, he asks how Labour can retain the support of its traditional working class base while at the same time appealing to the broad range of groups that typify areas like his own Colne Valley, a former safe Labour seat that is no longer safe for anyone.
Salveson believes that the answer is a revived regionalism that learns from the radical currents of the past, ?above all the Independent Labour Party (ILP) tradition of ethical socialism? (p.12). Of course, elements of localism already exist and might even be growing, but Salveson realises that his vision depends on much stronger regional identities than exist at present in England. Labour?s future national role could be to help cultivate the existing patchwork of regional and national identities. Pride in regional identity needs to be built upon, he argues, as national identity has been built upon in Wales and Scotland. Social democracy, if it is to have any future, has to be decentralised, community-based and diverse. Unions can play a role in this by working with community organisations on a broad range of issues. Some of them are already involved in such activities.
But for Salveson, Labour has to go much further by strengthening local government and championing regional governments with real powers of economic development, education, training, town and country planning, environment and transport. The party must also introduce proportional representation for general elections. Its leaders need to be more socially representative than they are now; they need to seek out and work with allies like the Greens, the Liberal Democrats, and the voluntary sector. The party also needs to gain many more members. It must create a vision of a more solidaristic society in which municipal and cooperative enterprises can play a part. In short, a revolution is required; a gradual, peaceful revolution, no doubt, but one based on high levels of grassroots activism and what amounts to a new ?labour movement?.
Most of the book is concerned to show that the old labour movement was based on local initiatives of great diversity and originality before Westminster centralism took over. The early activists drew on radical Liberalism and republicanism as well as varieties of socialism. They often looked abroad for inspiration and were conscious, and supporting of, progressive causes overseas ? in Ireland, America, in Europe and Australasia. They produced their own newspapers and literature, community organisations, campaigns for social and political reform, forms of enterprise such as cooperatives, and many educational and cultural initiatives. They built on and reinforced a local civic culture. Much of this history ? from Thomas Paine through to Chartism and the re-emergence of socialism in the 1880s ? is little known and less honoured than it ought to be, even in its old heartlands. The North ? defined here as Lancashire, Yorkshire and the North East ? was the centre for much of this forgotten creativity.
A quasi-religious fervour for collective and self improvement drove it on from the 1890s. The guiding values were community and fairness, fraternity, equality, internationalism, independence and self-help. As the Labour Party developed into an ?electoral machine? the elements of this alternative culture weakened (p.135) but were not completely extinguished. Salveson?s vision of its future revival is as appealing as any that has yet appeared as a basis for democratic renewal inEngland. Far more unrealistic, it might be thought, is maintenance over the next decade or two of the current arrangements. But that is what is expected.
John Callaghan is Professor of Politics and Contemporary History at the University of Salford. His research has focused on twentieth century socialist and communist politics and history. But that has always involved broader developments such as the Cold War and particular fields such as party and ideology.
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ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) ? Derek Holland is intent on making up for the time he missed on the mound for the Texas Rangers, who keep winning series at home.
The left-hander certainly seems to be getting back into form after missing a month because of shoulder fatigue brought on when he lost about 15 pounds when he had a stomach virus.
Holland retired 20 of 22 batters over one stretch Wednesday night and struck out seven in 7 2-3 innings, and the Rangers scored the go-ahead run after a couple of wild throws by Josh Beckett in a 5-3 victory over the Boston Red Sox.
"I'm trying to do everything I can to step up and get those innings back, that I had lost in the month off," Holland said. "I put the pressure on myself. Obviously everybody else wants me to step things up, but I feel like I'm kind of doing it on my own."
The Rangers took two of three against Boston to win their seventh consecutive series at home. It came during a three-day span when they found out right-hander Colby Lewis was done for the season with a torn flexor tendon and Roy Oswalt skipped his scheduled start because of back stiffness.
In his fourth start since coming off the DL, Holland (7-5) allowed three runs and five hits with one walk.
"We needed exactly what he gave us," manager Ron Washington said. "He competed. He gave up two home runs, but he didn't let it affect him and kept getting after it."
Elvis Andrus was hit on the left forearm by a pitch to reach with one out in the seventh. He got to third on a single by Adrian Beltre and scored to break a 3-all tie when Beckett (5-9) threw a wild pitch that bounced several feet wide of the plate.
"Josh gave us a zero in the first inning, as promised, and pitched a good game," Boston manager Bobby Valentine said. "Nobody on in the seventh, then a wild pitch to score a go-ahead run. ... It's a damn shame."
Beltre was back in the lineup a day after being hit by a pitch thrown by Vicente Padilla that knocked off his helmet and sent him to the ground. Beltre, who insisted again before Wednesday's game that he didn't think that 0-2 pitch was purposely thrown at him, had a bruise but no concussion.
In what may have been a bit of retaliation with two outs in the first, Red Sox cleanup hitter Adrian Gonzalez was hit in the buttocks by a pitch. Home plate umpire Tim Tschida, the crew chief, pointed Gonzalez to first base and didn't issue any warnings.
There were no further issues, and it was clear by Beckett's reaction when he hit Andrus in the seventh that it was just a pitch that got away.
While retiring 20 of 22 batters, Holland gave up solo homers to Will Middlebrooks and Dustin Pedroia. He struck out the side in the seventh. The impressive stretch ended when Pedro Ciriaco had a two-out single in the eighth with Pedroia on deck.
Mike Adams retired Pedroia on a running catch by left fielder David Murphy. Joe Nathan worked a perfect ninth for his 20th save in 21 chances a day after allowing consecutive two-out walks and then giving up a run in a 2-1 loss to the Red Sox.
Beckett, who allowed nine hits and walked two in his seven innings, never appeared in the clubhouse when it was open to reporters after the game.
Jacoby Ellsbury drew a walk to start the game and eventually scored when Pedroia grounded into a double play.
Holland began his impressive streak after Middlebrooks led off the second with a single. Middlebrooks hit his 12th homer in the fourth, and Pedroia went deep in the sixth.
The Rangers scored three times in the fourth, when they got started with doubles by Michael Young and Murphy. It was Young's first extra-base hit in 11 games since the All-Star break, and Murphy's first RBI since June 28.
Murphy scored on Craig Gentry's perfectly executed suicide squeeze bunt to tie the game at 2. Ian Kinsler followed with an RBI bloop single that dropped after glancing off the heel of sliding right fielder Cody Ross' glove.
"We did some good execution," Washington said. "So it worked out for us."
Notes: Cruz was mired in a 5-for-33 slump with 11 strikeouts over 10 games before leading off the eight with a homer off Red Sox reliever Matt Albers. ... Cruz also had an impressive defensive play in the fourth when he reached back while sliding to catch Ross' flyball near the right-field line. ...Holland has allowed 16 homers this season. ... Both teams are off Thursday. The Red Sox then open a weekend series at the New York Yankees. The Rangers, who have won seven consecutive home series, stay home for a three-game set vs. the Chicago White Sox.
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From left: Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., with Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, talk about the Democrats and Republican tax proposals during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington Tuesday, July 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
From left: Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., with Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, talk about the Democrats and Republican tax proposals during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington Tuesday, July 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Senate is bracing for a tax-cut showdown that is all about Democrats and Republicans showing voters their differences over taxing the well-off while accusing each other of threatening to shove the government over a fiscal cliff.
Senators planned to vote Wednesday on a $250 billion Democratic bill that would extend expiring tax cuts next year for all but the highest earners. Democrats will need 60 votes to advance the proposal, which they do not have.
It seemed unlikely that senators also would vote on a rival GOP plan that includes the best-off Americans in the tax reductions, a measure that was destined to lose.
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, was ready to push legislation through his chamber next week that closely mirrors the Senate GOP measure. Republicans there introduced their bill on Tuesday, accompanied by another measure designed to speed work next year on legislation overhauling the entire tax code.
The clash in the Senate underscored how little the partisan tax-cutting duel had to do with actually passing a law this year. If anything, it highlighted how entrenched both parties' views were.
"Democrats will simply never agree we should hand out more tax breaks to the richest 2 percent of Americans while this economy is in the situation it's in now," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, sponsor of the Democratic bill.
"Our friends on the other side are practicing what could best be described as 'Thelma & Louise' economics," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said.
"Let's just march the whole country right off the cliff and see how that works out," McConnell said, referring to the movie's memorable climax.
If the two sides don't compromise, a massive $600 billion in tax increases and spending cuts for 2013 would be triggered automatically in January ? the so-called fiscal cliff, which analysts say would jar the already weak economy.
Mostly following President Barack Obama's proposal, the Democratic bill would continue Bush-era tax cuts for everyone except individuals making at least $200,000 yearly and couples earning more than $250,000.
Those taxpayers would face top rates of 36 percent and 39.6 percent, respectively, instead of today's 33 percent and 35 percent. That would mean higher taxes for 2.5 million households, or 2 percent of all 140.5 million tax returns, according to 2009 data from the Internal Revenue Service.
Democrats say levies on the wealthy should rise because all income groups should contribute to deficit reduction. Republicans say those tax increases would burden the owners of many companies, leaving them less money to create jobs.
The Democratic bill also would let the top estate tax rate grow to 55 percent next year, with only the first $1 million in an estate's value exempted. That's an uncomfortable move for Democratic senators from farming and high-cost states.
Republicans would renew today's milder 35 percent top rate, exempting the first $5.12 million. Congress' nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation says the lower Democratic threshold would affect the owners of 46,700 estates projected to die next year ? a tiny percentage of Americans, but far more than the 3,600 who would be exposed under the GOP's terms.
Democrats would impose top tax rates next year of 20 percent on dividends and capital gains, two sources of income enjoyed disproportionately by the wealthy. The GOP top rate would be 15 percent.
The GOP bill ignores some tax reductions for low- and middle-income families that Democrats want to extend.
These include the American opportunity tax credit, worth up to $2,500 to cover college expenses; language making the earned income tax credit more generous for large working families and some married working couples; and a boost in the tax refunds some families get under the child tax credit.
All were part of Obama's 2009 stimulus bill, which Democrats say were meant to be permanent but Republicans say were only a short-term response to the recession.
Combined, those Democratic provisions would provide tax breaks averaging $1,000 to 25 million families, according to Treasury Department figures distributed by the White House.
Republicans also proposed bigger tax write-offs than Democrats did for small businesses taking deductions for the costs of buying some equipment.
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Every ?year I head to the dermatologist to get the skin checked. Years of working construction in the summer and too many hours as a kid on a ski boat and boom! You have bad skin.
Yesterday, I had some stuff on my nose looked at, and I was told ?yeah, that?s skin cancer?. Good thing we caught it early and here?s what you need to do.
Stay out of the sun from 10 to 4 every day, wear a hat, wear glasses, use sunscreen, 50 spf re-apply once every hour. Look both ways before you cross the street. You get the idea.
Than she froze the end of my nose with nitrogen. Ouch.
My Doctor is very good, and I listen to her. We went to school together so it makes it easy for me to talk to her.
In all seriousness, I always have a tan. I ride a bike or run almost every day. I?m very active, but I do use sunscreen and take this stuff serious. You should too. Take care of yourself. Get checked out often. I lost?a good friend to melanoma so it?s not a joke.
And if you see me this weekend at Rascal Flatts ?and my nose looks like its falling off, It?s not. It?s just healing. I will be the guy in the big floppy hat!
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More than a quarter of new infections in the United States every year are in women, and of the 1.1 million Americans with the AIDS virus, 280,000 are female, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Black women are especially vulnerable.
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The rapid melting of 97 percent of the surface of Greenland's ice sheet in just four days has left scientists puzzled.
By Seth Borenstein,?Associated Press / July 25, 2012
Measurements from three satellites showed that on July 8 (right) about 40 percent of the ice sheet had undergone thawing at or near the surface. In just a few days (July 12), an estimated 97 percent of the ice sheet surface had thawed. The areas classified as ?probable melt? (light pink) correspond to those sites where at least one satellite detected surface melting. The areas classified as ?melt? (dark pink) correspond to sites where two or three satellites detected surface melting.
Nicolo E. DiGirolamo, SSAI/NASA GSFC, and Jesse Allen, NASA Earth Observatory/AP
EnlargeNearly all of Greenland's massive ice sheet suddenly started melting a bit this month, a freak event that surprised scientists.
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Even Greenland's coldest and highest place, Summit station, showed melting. Ice core records show that last happened in 1889 and occurs about once every 150 years.
Three satellites show what NASA calls unprecedented melting of the ice sheet that blankets the island, starting on July 8 and lasting four days. Most of the thick ice remains. While some ice usually melts during the summer, what was unusual was that the melting happened in a flash and over a widespread area.
"You literally had this wave of warm air wash over the Greenland ice sheet and melt it," NASA ice scientist Tom Wagner said Tuesday.
The ice melt area went from 40 percent of the ice sheet to 97 percent in four days, according to NASA. Until now, the most extensive melt seen by satellites in the past three decades was about 55 percent.
Wagner said researchers don't know how much of Greenland's ice melted, but it seems to be freezing again.
"When we see melt in places that we haven't seen before, at least in a long period of time, it makes you sit up and ask what's happening?" NASA chief scientist Waleed Abdalati said. It's a big signal, the meaning of which we're going to sort out for years to come."
About the same time, a giant iceberg broke off from the Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland. And the National Snow and Ice Data Center on Tuesday announced that the area filled with Arctic sea ice continues near a record low.
Wagner and other scientists said because this Greenland-wide melting has happened before they can't yet determine if this is a natural rare event or one triggered by man-made global warming. But they do know that the edges of Greenland's ice sheets have already been thinning because of climate change.
Summer in Greenland has been freakishly warm so far. That's because of frequent high pressure systems that have parked over the island, bringing warm clear weather that melts ice and snow, explained University of Georgia climatologist Thomas Mote.
He and others say it's similar to the high pressure systems that have parked over the American Midwest bringing record-breaking warmth and drought.
Ohio State University ice scientist Jason Box, who returned Tuesday from a three-week visit, said he ditched his cold weather gear for the cotton pants that he normally dons in Nevada.
"It was sunny and warm and all the locals were talking about how sunny it was," Box said after getting off a plane. "Beyond T-shirt weather."
Follow Seth Borenstein on Twitter?
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Wh?n talking ?b??t green energy, wh?t ?r? w? really talking ?b??t? In a nutshell, green energy ?? energy th?t comes fr?m ?n? one ?f th? following renewable energy sources: wind, Sun/Solar, water/ hydroelectric, geothermal, biofuels ?nd biomass energy. Th?r? ?? n? way th?t ??? ?r? n?t going t? find ??m? form ?f green energy ?n play anywhere ?n th? world ?t ?n? given moment. Th?? article w?ll discuss h?w each renewable energy source ?? considered t? b? green energy, starting w?th wind power.
Geothermal Energy
Although geothermal energy ?? n?t ?? widely used ?? th? others ?r? ?t ?? a green energy source; ?? ?t comes fr?m th? movement ?f th? magma beneath th? Earth?s crust ?nd fr?m th? volcanic activity ?ll over th? planet. Th? hot springs th?t h??? b??n ?r??t?d ?nd kept warm ?ll over th? planet ?r? clear ??t evidence ?f th? geothermal energy th?t ?? th?r? f?r th? taking.
Water/ Hydroelectric Power
Th?r? ?? a gr??t deal t? b? ???d f?r th? worldwide appeal ?f hydroelectric power. A? a matter ?f fact, th?r? ?r? n?t many countries ?n th?? planet wh?r? water ?? n?t being ??t t? use t? ?r??t? th? hydroelectric power th?t ?? ?? abundant ?nd ?? ?l?? a source ?f green energy. Th? ?nl? way w? w?ll ???r lose th?? renewable energy source ?? ?f ??r atmosphere gets stripped away ?nd w? h??? t? deal w?th th? full brunt ?f cosmic radiation th?t w?ll evaporate ??r water. Hydroelectric power generation ?? precisely wh? th? Hoover Dam w?? built ?n th? first ?l??? folks!
Sun/Solar Power
Y???ve g?t t? admit th?t th? power th?t ??r Sun provides ?? another readily available source ?f green energy f?r anyone wh? cares t? take th? time t? g?t ??m? solar panels th?t w?ll harness th?? nearly endless supply ?f th? renewable energy th?t w?, ?? a planet, ?r? beginning t? look t?. Wh?l? ??m? solar panels ?r? n?t th?t cheap, ??? ??n find ??m? th?t ?r? within ???r price range. Look ?t ?ll th? solar powered items ?n th? market already!
Wind Power
Th?r? ?r? two main reasons wh? wind power ?nd wind mill/wind turbine generated electricity ?r? considered t? b? green energy: th?? w?ll n?t b? gone ?n? time t?? soon ?nd th?? d? n?t cause ?n? more pollution t? ?r ?f th? environment around ??. Th?r? ?? always going t? b? a wind blowing somewhere ?nd ?t really d??? n?t matter whether th?t wind ?? ?nl? a slight breeze ?r a brisk wind ?r hurricane/ tornado strength winds. Wind turbines ?r? getting more ?nd more ????l?r ?? w? b?g?n really embracing green energy ?? a way ?f life.
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LG's Quick Voice app's monolingual status shouldn't last long. After a quick restyle -- it's now Q Voice -- the app is gearing up to launch internationally with an English language version ready for the first half of next year. LG also adds a bit more detail on its voice recognition offering, which can pick out a single female voice in a noisy room full of men and have the ability to make settings adjustments to Bluetooth, sound and vibration by speech. Perhaps only slightly less important than real functionality, the Q Voice interface will also include some "witty emotional responses" -- ask what the device had for lunch and it will say it chowed down on 220 volts. LG Korea reiterates that the functionality is still limited to its domestic models of the Optimus Vu and incoming Optimus LTE II at the moment, but will feature on additional phones in the future. While voice recognition from bigger mobile rivals hasn't revolutionized how we use our phones just yet, LG's hoping the sheen of the newish tech won't have worn off by 2013.
Filed under: Cellphones, Software
LG's voice recognition app studies English, aims to pass the test next year originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 24 Jul 2012 08:29:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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