The World Tree is dying, and all the world is descending into chaos. Are there still heroes left who will be able to stand and fight to prevent the promised apocalypse of legends?
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This RP, though based in a fantasy world and making use of magic, is still grounded in a world dominated by the world of physics and reality. So here's an example of what I do not EVER want to see out of someone.
Age: 16
Fighting Style: Makes heavy use of hard styles with tight blocks and swift, fierce strikes.
Bio: Despite their youth, they are the best known warrior around!
These three details will earn your character a one way trip to the RP graveyard. Teenagers, by very nature of their bodily growth and features, will never, NEVER, be able to be the strongest or most feared warriors of any race or be the most proficient in any weapon form. It doesn't matter how much you might otherwise known about combat or weaponry, a teenager will never be stronger, faster, or more skilled than a seasoned adult character.
So please, no teenagers folks. Teenagers are good for romance RP's, sci fi horror RP's where they don't have to have any special abilities or talents, and maybe the occasional Gods vs Men RP where they can get away with supernatural abilities by being a God or Goddess.
The youngest age I will accept in this RP is 21, no younger. At that point, your body has, more or less, stopped growing and has hit the age where its physical prime can be reached. However, be mindful that this is not an invitation to make a 21 year old the best archer the world has ever known. If I find any profiles trying to pass off someone this young as a prodigy or some sort of ultimate warrior, I will not accept it. While Kyero may be the best swordsman in his village, he has never competed against others outside his village and therefore has never been able to test himself against other warriors. If he were to come across a warrior who is older and more experienced, he would lose in a one on one confrontation with him.
In other words, I want characters who are young enough to have room to grow, but strong enough to hold their own in combat without finding a way to miraculously come out of every combat situation they find themselves in without a scratch.
Thank you!

KumoriRyuu - Member for 2 years
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