Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Deputy of Pentecostal Union: Revolution is not a way for Russia

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Deputy of Pentecostal Union: Revolution is not a way for Russia

By Victoria Uzunova of the Christian Telegraph (www.christiantelegraph.com)
Special to ASSIST News Service

MOSCOW, RUSSIA (ANS) -- Konstantin Bendas, the First Deputy of the Supervisory Bishop of the Associated Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical-Pentecostal Faith, has said that revolution is "not a way for Russia."

A woman with with a child casts her ballot next to a young Russian cossak (R) at a polling station during the parliamentary election in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don December 4, 2011.
(Vladimir Konstantinov/Reuters)

He commented on the political situation in Russia after the recent parliamentary elections, during?which, in light of the persistent protests and objections to the fact that the controversial United Russia party won nearly 50% of the votes, many priests and spiritual leaders have been asked about the role of the church in political turmoil.

Mr. Bendas believes that these inquiries are good since priests ?should find answers and true and sincere words for those who trust him.?

Konstantin Bendas added that ?one can only rejoice that the church still remains an authoritative institution in our secular society.? He also noted that a lot of journalists sought definitive answers regarding whom the church supported.

?We don?t have a definitive answer or a solution to this situation. People who urge for riots, revolution and violent upheaval are wrong, but those who falsify the truth and the elections results are also wrong,? underlined the First Deputy.

Konstantin Bendas
(Photo via www.invictory.org)

?Our position, as a religious organization, is to pray and abstain from unlawful acts and support those who demand protection of their civil rights. We don?t need confrontation in our society, but it is necessary for us to have a constructive work for the defense of human rights. We believe that it would me more effective to file an action to a public prosecutor's office, police offices and committees of inquiry.

?And where the rights of voters were encroached upon, justice must be obtained. The results must be recounted and guilty must be punished according to the law,? underlined Bendas.

?We want to emphasize that revolution is not a proper way for Russia. The Church should call for reformation as a return to moral and spiritual values that are stipulated in the Bible,? concluded the minister.

Victoria Uzunova is a correspondent for the Christian Telegraph [www.christiantelegraph.com], a unique Christian news service partnering with the largest Christian News Agency in Russian language InVictory News [www.invictory.org/news/] which is one of few news gateways of what is happening in Christianity in such former USSR countries as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia and others.


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Source: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2011/s11120104.htm

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