Thursday, December 13, 2012

Buy themed gift sets for friends and family this Holiday season with Sesame for iPhone

Shopping for gifts for friends and family for the Holidays is hard work because not only is it time consuming, but finding gifts that aren't boring or lame is quite a challenge -- and that's where Sesame come's in. Sesame by Sincerely Ink is a boutique gift shop in your pocket that has beautiful and interesting gift sets already created and ready to purchase. These sets include things like everything needed for a relaxing spa day at home, family game night goodies, and an infant starter kit.

Not only is Sesame extremely convenient, but it's also beautiful. The gift sets are displayed as square photo with the set name, who it was created by, and the price dog-eared in the corner. When you tap on a gift set, you can scroll through the photos of items included in the set at the top of the screen and read more information about the set. There will be a note from the creator (sometimes a vendor, sometimes a "regular" person) about the gifts and why they make a great set, a list of everything included, who it's perfect for, and a section "About the Creator".

If you find a gift set you like, you can share it to Facebook, Twitter, or Email. If you purchase a gift set, it will be hand prepared in a beautiful box, wrapped in white tissue paper, and nestled in craft crinkle. You can also personalize a card to be included with the gift.

If you are the recipient of a gift set from Sesame, there is a section of the app that lets you scan the stamp inside your card to thank your sender or send them a gift or card.

There are currently 13 different gift sets in the Sesame app and new ones will be added each month.

I'm very impressed with the design of Sesame and think the gift sets included are great. I'm the least creative person when it comes to gift-giving, so there's a good chance I'll ended up choosing one of these gift sets as a gift for someone or at least get inspiration to design my own.


donald driver

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