Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012We thrive on bringing you small tips, tricks, and downloads to enhance your daily life, but sometimes we like to dig our heels into a project and go a little deeper, too. Here are our best longform features?whether how-to guides, explainers, or otherwise?of the year 2012.

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WPA Password with Reaver

Your Wi-Fi network is your conveniently wireless gateway to the internet, and since you're not keen on sharing your connection with any old hooligan who happens to be walking past your home, you secure your network with a password, right? More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

The Always Up-To-Date Guide to Rooting the Most Popular Android Phones

We love Android, but rooting your phone can give you the opportunity to do so much more than your phone can do out of the box-whether its wireless tethering, speeding it up with overclocking, or customizing the look of your phone with themes. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

How Do I Torrent Safely Now That Demonoid Is Down?

Dear Lifehacker,
My favorite private BitTorrent tracker, Demonoid, has apparently gone down for good. I was so dependent on it for its quality, security from viruses, and protection from prying eyes. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

10 Stubborn Body Myths That Just Won't Die, Debunked by Science

Hair grows back thicker when you shave it! Reading in dim light turns you blind! Peeing on a jellyfish sting will soothe the pain! The way our bodies work is a bit of a mystery, and our desire to unlock its secrets has led to a vast amount of misinformation. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

Why You Should Start Using a VPN (and How to Choose the Best One for Your Needs)

You may know what a VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is; you probably don't use one. You really should be using a VPN, and even if you don't think so now, at some point in the future you may consider it as important as your internet connection. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

All About PIPA and SOPA, the Bills That Want to Censor Your Internet

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) are two bills that sound like they have a mildly positive aim but, in reality, have serious potential to negatively change the internet as we know it. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

How Seinfeld's Productivity Secret Fixed My Procrastination Problem

I've long been overwhelmed by an unwieldy list of goals that would sit, unaccomplished, in a long-term to-do list year after year. Then I came across a simple trick that solved my chronic problem. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

Create a Kickass, Seamless, Play-Everything Media Center: The Complete Guide

DVD players are so 1999. In this day and age, a custom media center running XBMC is the only thing you really need hooked up to your TV-whether you're watching movies you've ripped, streaming your favorite TV shows from Netflix and Hulu, listening to podcasts, or even playing video games. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

How Sitting All Day Is Damaging Your Body and How You Can Counteract It

Do you sit in an office chair or on your couch for more than six hours a day? Then here are some disturbing facts: Your risk of heart disease has increased by up to 64 percent. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

Everyone's Trying to Track What You Do on the Web: Here's How to Stop Them

It's no secret that there's big money to be made in violating your privacy. Companies will pay big bucks to learn more about you, and service providers on the web are eager to get their hands on as much information about you as possible. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

10 Stubborn Exercise Myths that Won't Die, Debunked by Science

"No pain, no gain!" "You'll never bulk up without supplements." "Crunches are the key to six-pack abs!" It seems there are more questions and half-truths in the market about healthy exercise than there are clear, definitive facts-but the exercise industry is a multi-billion dollar business... More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

The Best Google Features You're Probably Not Using

Google is a vast machine with all types of apps, programs, and tools. A lot of these-like Gmail and Google Docs-are clearly useful and beloved by many. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

Nine Stubborn Brain Myths That Just Won't Die, Debunked by Science

Brain games will make you smarter! The internet is making you dumber! Alcohol is killing your brain cells! The brain is a mystery we've been trying to solve for ages, and the desire to unlock its secrets has led to vast amounts of misinformation. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

How to Make Facebook Infinitely Better with One Browser Extension

With each update, Facebook has gotten incrementally more cluttered, perplexing, and ornery-and I'm not even talking about all your annoying acquaintances flooding it with inane status updates. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

A 20-Minute Daily Exercise Plan for People Too Busy to Work Out

You lead busy a life, and finding time to stay healthy is tough. Fortunately, all you need is 20 minutes of exercise per day to get fit. If you don't have the time to go to the gym every day, here's how you can get in shape quickly from just about anywhere-little-to-no equipment required. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

Turn an Old Computer into a Networked Backup, Streaming, or Torrenting Machine with Ubuntu

You've heard the word "server" thrown around a lot, but usually in the context of web sites or big companies that have a lot of data to store. In reality, a server can be just as useful in your home. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

The Stupid Things You Do on Facebook (and How to Fix Them)

Reluctantly or otherwise, Facebook is the place most of us have chosen to share our lives online. In spite of its many useful features, the social media site can be a constant source of annoyance, embarrassment, and trouble if you make a few stupid decisions you might not even realize you're... More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

Is Usenet Safer than BitTorrent?

Dear Lifehacker,
I've been downloading torrents for a long time and people keep telling me about how great Usenet is, but is it actually safer than BitTorrent downloads? More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

7 Awesome Features You've Forgotten About in Windows 7

You may consider yourself a Windows master, but chances are even you've forgotten some of Windows' awesome built-in features. Here are seven of our favorite forgotten Windows features-and the cool things you can do with them. More ?

Most Popular Long Form Features of 2012

How to Commit Internet Suicide and Disappear from the Web Forever

Sick of horribly embarrassing things showing up when potential employers Google your name? Tired of everyone knowing you live in a garden level dungeon apartment? More ?

Title image remixed from hobbit (Shutterstock).

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/_p6J3DbghiE/most-popular-long-form-features-of-2012

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