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Pondering Phoenix

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| | Back to top | | yellowtamarin Phoenix

 Joined: Sep 06, 2010 Age: 31 Posts: 658 Location: Melbourne, AU
| Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:27 am?? ?Post subject: | |
| Melbourne tap water is fantastic - I drink it all the time. I'll even drink it after a day if I've left a glass overnight and forgotten about it - it tastes the same.
I occasionally buy a bottle of water if I am out, need water, and there's no access to a tap. Otherwise I see no reason to do this. It doesn't taste as good anyway and is usually too cold for me if it has come straight from the fridge (warmer water is digested more easily anyway).
I'd love to move out of Melbourne one day, but honestly one of the major downsides to this would be the lesser-quality water from other regions/states of Australia. |
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| | Back to top | | CrazyStarlightRedux Phoenix

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| Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:44 am?? ?Post subject: | |
| Tap Water is usually Hard in most countries (Japan's is soft).
The chemicals in the tap water I don't wholly trust on it's own...sure the chemicals are edible and are beneficial....but I would advice only drinking bottled/spring water for the natural preservatives (and fluoride if you have none in your toothpaste).
I only drink it with Vitamin Tablets (the kind that make the water taste better).
I always wonder why bathroom water tastes sickly compared to Kitchen Tap Water. _________________ Just a guy who gives advice and talks a lot. |
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 Joined: Mar 03, 2011 Posts: 5686 Location: gallifrey
| Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:54 am?? ?Post subject: | |
| yellowtamarin wrote: | Melbourne tap water is fantastic - I drink it all the time. I'll even drink it after a day if I've left a glass overnight and forgotten about it - it tastes the same.
I occasionally buy a bottle of water if I am out, need water, and there's no access to a tap. Otherwise I see no reason to do this. It doesn't taste as good anyway and is usually too cold for me if it has come straight from the fridge (warmer water is digested more easily anyway).
I'd love to move out of Melbourne one day, but honestly one of the major downsides to this would be the lesser-quality water from other regions/states of Australia. |
Having lived in both melb and adl. Adl is far nicer. I cant stomache the tap water in the other cities though. yuck. |
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| Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:05 am?? ?Post subject: | |
| CrazyStarlightRedux wrote: | I always wonder why bathroom water tastes sickly compared to Kitchen Tap Water. |
One theory is that if you drink it from inside the bathroom, as the senses of taste and smell are closely linked, the general bathroom odour will be felt in the water too, and thus make it taste sickly. There is probably a psychological factor as well. If I fill a glass in the bathroom, then get out and drink from it somewhere else, it tastes just as it does from the kitchen, for me.
They really should taste the same, unless there is something special with a bathroom's plumbing compared to the kitchen, or bad taste somehow built up in the faucet to high enough levels to be felt or something, which I see as really, really unlikely. A double blind test would be interesting though  _________________ Verily I have often laughed at weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws. - Nietzsche |
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| Source: http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt206589.html
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